من زمان بنسمع كلمة " بلد بتاعت شهادات " لعادل امام و اللِّي كانت بتجسد فكرة ان اللِّي معاه شهادة هو اللِّى بيشتغل و يحظى باحترام الناس..
اليومين دول الموضوع اتغير تماما ..
الموقف الاول:
المكان: أحد الفنادق بوسط القاهرة.
أمى تلاحظ و جود شباب فى بداية العقد الثالث من اعمارهم " ٢٥ " سنة مثلا .. يستعدون لرفع حقائب السائحين و النزلاء ..
امى: " معلش ممكن سؤال .. هو انتو بتشتغلو ايه هنا .. ؟ "
الشاب: " بنشتغل كده .. بنشيل الشنط .. bellman يعنى .. "
امى: " طب انتا دارس حاجة او فى جامعة ؟؟ "
الشاب :" اه .. انا خريج هندسة ميكانيكا !! "
الشاب التانى: " و انا خريج تجارة !! "
امى: " طيب و ازاى جيته تشتغلو فى شيل الشنط .. " --- مع احترامى انا و امى لاى شغلانة شريفة ... ---
الشاب:" انت مش عايشة فى البلد ولا ايه يا مدام .. هو حد لاقى الشغل .. "
الموقف الثانى:
المكان: احد محطات البنزين ..
أختى دخلت تحط بنزين و طلبت من الراجل تلميع الازاز -- "زجاج السيارة "
الراجل: " والله يا آنسة انا زعلان اننِّى اتعلمت !! .. "
اختى: " اشمعنة .. ليه زعلان ؟؟ "
الراجل:" انا دارس و اتعلمت و بعرف photoshop .. و " كذا " و " كذا " و " كذا " ... و فى الآخر .. واقف فى بنزينه و بلمع الازاز .. يبقى ازعل ولا لأ .. !! "
و لا تعليق .. هنا القاهرة
كتب هذا المقال كريم حلمى و هو يستمع الى : "So Danso Samba " لزياد الرحبانى و سلمى ..
Kareem, it's not about that there are no vacancies in Egypt. On the contrary, there are lots and lots of job vacancies in Egypt. El fekra eno the caliber of people, their education and experience are not compatible!
ردحذفBtw, Um not saying that out of the blue. I have been working already in the recruitment for more than 2 years, and trust me you have no idea how we suffer to find well educated people to match our criteria.
Deena Aboul Azm.
Deena... you have a point 3amtn...bas el mawdoo3 da fih goz2ein :
ردحذفel goz2 el awal : bey2aed kalami..en el balad fe3lan maba2etsh bta3et shehadat.. - we bas - ... ba2et 3ayza shehada + tamayoz gamed + experience + kaza 7aga... we ma3na kda en da bey2aked 3ala en system el ta3leem 3andena msh 2ader yetala3 nas fe3lan monassba lel shoghl..
el goz2 el tany : en fi sa3at keteer gedan beyeb2a fi nas kwaiessin bas msh la2yin shoghl fe3lan.. aw el shoghl msh related lel homa darssino .. we ba3den messal bta3 el walad el metkharag men handaset mechanica da w beyechtaghal eno yeshil shonat.. e7na leh e3takadna eno howa msh qualified.. mayemkn msh la2i shoghl fe3lan.. w b3den da yareto masln echtaghal 7aga related leeh bas soghayara.. isa 7ata 3amel fi masna3.. la2 da echtaghal shayal shonat.. ya3ni maloosh ay 3elaka bel darasso...
we ba3den 2a3taked eno law faradna masln en handassa tala3et 1000 wa7ed fi sanat 2010 .. masln ya3ni .. han2ool men demnohom 400 wa7ed qualified masln.. hatla2i 150 forsset shoghl..
Very nice idea.. about the blog y3ni !!
ردحذفwell i think moshkelt el sho3'l el major , en el tab2a bet3t el nas el el mafrood yesht3'lo fle 7erafeya , zay mekaniki wel klam da ba2o yed5olo gam3at el kemma zay handsa wel teb we keda .. la2en el ta3lim fel gm3at dih is for free .. fa ebn el mkaniki beyd5ol handsa aw tegara , aw yemkn seyasa we ektesad kman !! fa mafish balance 5ales , lama kol masr teb2a fi handsa we tegara we seyasa we teb .. meen hyb2a hyb2a samkary , mekaniki we sabak ?
we ba3d kol el derasa dih , they feel too good to be working in these fields ,so it makes no sense !! and that's what they end up doing , or wasting opportunities for others
keep up the good work ya kareem 3o2bal
manshoofak "ba2al" kebir add el donia :P
Aya Ashraf
3ala fkra, i have 2 comments 3al mawdoo3 da:
ردحذفnumber 1: mawdoo3 en they're certified but not qualified enough da it makes a lot of sense because f3ln nsbet el nas el mt5arageen mn handasa aw tebb f3ln kbeera gdan, so in order to land a good job, the employer is gonna look for someone who has something special, and he's going to chose you based on what you have that no one else does. so you need to be prepared before you apply for a job, and you do that by spending even more hours of training which will make you more experienced.
number 2 : el sho3'l f masr f3ln kteer, bas it does hurt when u end up working in a gas station when you should be a mechanics engineer. but we just have to deal with the conditions we're in and accept the reality.. if he works in a gas station today, bokra isA Rabena hayedeelo sho3'lana a7san.. 3ashan Rabena mabydaya3sh ta3ab 7ad .. w b3den any work is better than being unemployed w a3ed f betko.
el mawdoo3 goz2 meno qualifications bs ..el goz 2el kebeer w el asasy f el mawdoo3 kolo is MONEY!!! w mmkn esteshal...ya3ni masalan mkn wa7ed yeb2a 5areeg tegara w mmkn yeshta3'al mo7aseb fih sherka w maslan ya5od 300LE - 500LE f el shar...aw mmkn masalan 5areeg tegara dah yekoon 5alo na2ash w yeshta3'al ma3ah 3ashan ya5od f el shahr beta3 1000LE...aw mmkn teshta3'al f banzeena 3ashan haya5od tips w yetla3 b mabla3'keways el shar...el nas btstashel w beyboso l a2rab taree2 lel felos..they're not just career oriented by just acccepting a simple job that maybe add to their experience,qualifications and area of studies that maybe not well payed ..bs bardo ma3zoreen el 3'ala el e7na ba2ena fih...f el sho3'lanat el 7rafya aw eli beta3tamd 3ala tips w kol sana w enta tayeb ta basha dih heya eli ba2et t2akl 3eesh el yomeen dool !!!!!